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learning how to crack "The AdSense Code" and discover the secrets for making huge online profits! with Joel Comm (Top Internet revenue Expert,Google Adsense specialist)Joel Says:My name is Joel Comm, and I've been an Internet entrepreneur since 1995. I run a fun series of family-friendly web sites.In June 2003, I signed up with Google AdSense, and did what many others do. I simply took the code from the AdSense site and pasted it onto my web site. And then I did what many others undoubtedly do as well. I wondered why I wasn't making any money.

All of us struggle to get the highest page rank to get the maximum traffic to our blog/website. This requires patience and mind power on how you can optimize your blog to make it more visible to google and search engines. So i will list some points that should make your blog and website more visible to search engines and people. Things that need to be considered to be a successful blogger are

a. Patience

b. Writing And Explaining Power.

c. Inventing And Discovering.

d. Making It Popular.

e. Steps To Optimize It For Search Engines.

f. Answer People And Communicate With Bloggers.

g. Making A First Good Impression.

h. Being Updated.

Be A Successful Blogger With These 22 Points.

1. Add a meta tag to your blog.

So when somebody searches your blog name on google, the description about your blog which will be shown will be the description of your meta tag you have added.

It is placed in the head section like this

2. Adding Meta Keywords.

This is the most important thing which Google bot or any other search engine looks. You must add the basic keywords of your blog so if somebody searches for that, your meta will match with the persons search and your blog will get the highest points.

To do this just add all the labels or any keywords about your blog. Mine Are

3. Make Site Links Descriptive.

This is another very important aspect. The title of your post must only contain the basic keywords about your post. Not things which are ignored by Search engines and google. Some words which are ignored by search engines are

a able about above abroad according accordingly across actually adj after afterwards again against ago ahead ain't all allow allows almost alone along alongside already also although always am amid amidst among amongst an and another any anybody anyhow anyone anything anyway anyways anywhere apart appear appreciate appropriate are aren't around as a's aside ask asking associated at available away awfully

back backward backwards be became because become becomes becoming been before beforehand begin behind being believe below beside besides best better between beyond both brief but by

came can cannot cant can't caption cause causes certain certainly changes clearly c'mon co co. com come comes completely concerning consequently consider considering contain containing contains corresponding could couldn't course c's currently

dare daren't decrease decreasingly definitely described despite did didn't different directly do does doesn't doing done don't down downwards during

each eg eight eighty either else elsewhere end ending enough entirely especially et etc even ever evermore every everybody everyone everything everywhere ex exactly example except.

4. Template Should Be Simple And Well Parsed.

You should not use third party templates which are mostly very much stuffed with long javascripts and other things which take time for you page to load and search engines ignore you.The best way is to have the simplest template without any flash pluggins and ads and less javascripts.5. Increase You Page Rank By Submitting You Blog To Blog Directories.Google ranks you on the basis of how much links it has of your blog. If you submit your blog to the blog directories which have higher page rank, it will make your blogs page rank to increase too.

Submit to top 55 blog directories here.

6. Submit Comments On Blogs/Websites Having Higher Page Rank. Search for blogs that are popular and submit your comments on them. Read there posts and make comments and give your site link there with the comment. So your blog will be searched if somebody searches for it on Google as a result of that websites/blog result.

7. Exchange links.

Try to convince other big blogs who have a higher page rank to place your site link on there blog/website. And in return place there's on your blog. This will also increase Page Rank.

8. Blog About Google Products As Google Loves Google.

You should blog about some Google products like Google toolbar. Google earth , Google web accelerator etc. Google wants its products to be used and if you blog about them Google will give you extra bonus points.

9. Give Your Blog A Unique Name And Title.

Suppose if you name your blog " Blogger Tips " and it is already used by another blog which is popular. And you want to name the title " Latest Tips About Blogger " Which is already used by another blog.You should than give your blog a name and title thats still not used which will give you an extra bonus point and a page rank bonus.

10. Blog Name And Title Should Be Related To The Content.

You should name your title and blogs name to be related to your blogs content. If you name your blog with someword that doesn't exist than you should at least wait a year to get a good page rank.

11. Use Tracker Like Stat Counter Or Feedjit Or Google Webmaster To Analyze You SEO Results.

You must know where your visitors are coming from. Feed jit will easily tell you what your visitors searched on Google and what was the rank your site got. It will show the exact results the visitor got on the Google search when it searched for something and got your blog to be most relevant to its search.

12. Submit Sitemap To Google Websmaster Central.

Sitemap is an xml document that contains all the links to your blog or website. You can do this by adding the following code after your blog's adress and submit it to Google Websmaster Central.


Change the max results to any you want to be submitted.

13. Keep Your Content And Sitemaps Updated.

Your content needs to be resubmitted to Google so it can index it as soon as possible. So submit your sitemaps regularly and keep Google informed about if you have written something new.

14. Regularly Ping Your Blog To Blog Directories And Google .

You must ping other blog directories which you have submitted your blog to keep them updated about your content.You may do this by using Auto Pinger which automatically pings your log to major blog directories and Google Also.

15. Submitt You Blog To Twitter And Add Dig Submit To You Blog.

Twitter ranks your blog out of millions of blog on the net. It ranks your blog according to how much links they have of your blog. If your blog gets a high rank there, so there are people who search for blogs on twitter who are ranked high.Digg is site which when somebody reads your posts and likes it he diggs it which transfers the message about how much your post is being liked and the most liked posts are listed on digg which provide's a good traffic to your blog.

16. Join Forums And Tell People To Visit Your Blog.

You should communicate and make friends on blog directories and tell them to visit your blog. This will also increase your blogs Page Rank.

17. Depend On Quality Not Quantity.

On Google eyes. Content Rules. Google only watches the quality of the content not the quantity. If you write descriptively but by writing less and saying more. Google will love you.

18. Introduce You Blogs Name On FaceBook And Orkut.

This is also a good way to tell your friends on facebook and orkut to visit your blog. This can create a chain that your friends will tell there friends and those will tell there's and increasing your blogs popularity and traffic.

19. Answer Comments And Do What Public Wants.

People get confused sometimes what you have written. As you have written it yourself and know what is all the tic and tacs about your content. Help them and give them tips and measures that what should they do if they are getting some kinds of errors.

20. Make Relations With Blogging Guru's And Tell Them To Tell There Reader About Your Blog.

You should visit big blogs and make relations with them by commenting on there blog and telling them to take a look at your blog. Maybe if they like it they will blog about your blog.

21. Erratic Post Frequencies.

Writing a post one day and than not writing nothing for weeks is something that repel readers. Write one post a day and keep your ideas saved for the next. And Write Daily. This will keep the readers to get stick to your blog.

22. To Many Ads Make A Bad Impression.

Don't place ads more than your content. This will make a bad image and show that you are just blogging for cash not for help.


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